Resources for Nonprofits

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Resources for Nonprofits

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Resources for Nonprofits

Below are some helpful resources for nonprofits. Please review these resources and let us know if you have any questions about them.
Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled the following FAQs from questions that have been brought up in previous Coffee Chats.

Application Questions

  • There is no spot in the application to ask for an amount of funding, how is this determined?
    Allocations to each grantee are made in each grant panel and can be based on the application's score determined from the rubric. Please note the minimum amount awarded is $10,000.
  • Is there a limit to how often our organization can apply?
    Yes, we can only accept one application per calendar year for our Annual Grant Cycle.
  • Can organizations apply for funding in multiple fields of interest?
    At this time, organizations will need to select only one field of interest that best defines the overall general operating mission of the organization. Please note that organizations can only apply in one field of interest per calendar year.
  • Our organization could fit into possibly two or more fields of interest. How do I know which field of interest to apply for?
    The Foundation’s Annual Grant Cycle provides funding for general operating support, so we advise that you write about your overall mission and a few key programs that are critical to serving the mission of your organization. Please note that community foundation staff do not participate in the decision-making process, and that Foundation staff can provide general advice on what we have seen in the past and information about the fields of interest, but the decision is ultimately that of the organization.
  • Our organization is trying to determine which field of interest to apply in. Understanding we should provide a mission-based application, we are currently focused on a historical preservation project.
    The Environment and Historic Preservation field of interest is the only field of interest that provides an exception in applying for program specific requests. For example, if you are an entity that is working on preserving a historic building and that work is outside of the organization’s mission, you can submit a programmatic request in this field.
  • How can "culture" in your Arts & Culture field of interest best be defined?
    Culture can be a very broad term and can mean something different to various groups of people. We define culture as providing cultural expression across diverse communities. Additionally, organizations with the overall mission of providing cultural experiences to their specific population(s) they are serving.
  • Our organization serves groups in Sandoval County, but we also serve groups outside of the ABQCF-required counties. Considering the unrestricted nature of the grant, (and we internally would use those funds only in Sandoval), would we be eligible?
    Yes, you are eligible to apply. We advise that you specify in the application that funding would only be used in one of the four counties as this would be an instance where restricted funding would apply.
  • Our organization is not physically based in the four-county region; however, we offer digital services online remotely for community members that live in the four-county region, are we eligible?
    Yes, and in transparency, historically we have not seen many organizations with these services being funded compared to other organizations that provide similar services but are physically deep rooted within the four-county region. If you are a statewide entity that offers services to all, we advise that your application speaks to the work provided and its impact in these four communities.
  • When inviting someone to “collaborate” on an application, does the second person create their own profile/password?
    Yes, please note in order to provide proper permissions for the person you are adding as a collaborator, you will need to also select the permissions this person will have i.e. can view, can edit, can submit etc. Applicant tutorial on collaboration can be accessed here.

General Grant Questions

  • Where can I find more information about the Foundation’s grants programs?
    Information about ACF Grant programs can be found here on our website.
  • How do you define general operating support and unrestricted funding?
    Unrestricted funds support the overall mission of an organization and do not have a specific use required for spending.
  • Where can I find the breakdown of each field of interest?
    All field of interest descriptions can be found here on our website.
  • I am having technical trouble with the grant portal. Where can I get help?
    For technical issues please email
  • Our organization is based in one of the four county areas; however, we do offer statewide programs for counties outside of the four-county region requirement. Does my organization qualify to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    Yes, and we recommend that you make very clear in your application that you provide services in the four-county region and highlight how your organization impacts communities within Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia.
  • Our organization is based outside of the four-county region. Would we still be eligible to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    One of the requirements of this grant program is that your work must be accessible within the four-county region of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia. An exception can only be made to organizations that have a presence and can access the communities without them having to travel outside of said counties for services.
  • When submitting reporting for the grant, is there a need to report all counties being served by our organization?
    Although not required, if you are able, it would be beneficial to track this type of information as it will help quantify your organizational impact.
  • Our organization has been in existence for several years; however, we have only just obtained our 501c3 status, and are under the three-year minimum to apply. We have been in existence a while and have transitioned under our fiscal sponsorship, are we still eligible to apply?
    The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement for those who have been under fiscal sponsorship, however we ask that you please reach out to to confirm your eligibility.
  • My organization doesn’t match the three-year requirement nor the four-county requirement, what should we do?
    Although you may not be eligible for the Annual Grant Cycle, the Foundation does host other grant opportunities throughout the year that do provide statewide funding. We encourage you to sign up for upcoming grant opportunities via our newsletters and review other grant guidelines on our grant page here.
  • Can you clarify the 3-year requirement for the application? The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement.  For those who were under fiscal sponsorship for 3 or more years, you may apply with the submission of statement of activity from your fiscal sponsor that shows the past 3 years of fiscal management.  For further clarification, please email
  • Is there someone available I can work with for help/feedback on my grant application?
    Unfortunately, Foundation staff cannot offer feedback on the actual application itself prior to the review panel accessing them and meeting to discuss. We can offer feedback on specific questions prior and can offer feedback to the content of the application following the decision process. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact us via email at
  • Regarding funding, is my organization competing with other fields of interest for funding or does each field of interest have its own funding? How much funding is available in each field of interest and for each grantee?
    The minimum distribution amount for each grantee is no less than $10,000 and can vary upwards depending on the quantity of grantees as well as what is allocated from pooled funding in regard to each field of interest. Each field of interest has its own funding available. Please keep in mind the amounts available vary per field of interest and amounts listed below vary from year to year and are estimations: Animal Welfare $100,000; Arts & Culture $60,000; Education $70,000; Environmental & Historic Preservation $80,000; Health $80,000; Human Services $100,000; Economic Workforce and Development $90,000
  • In the required upload section, does our organization need to follow a format for the budget upload? And what if we do not have Profit and Loss statements (P&Ls)?
    There is no required format for the budget upload, we request organizations submit whichever budget is most accessible at time of submission. Please ensure it includes the revenues and expenses for the year. If P&Ls are not available at the time of submission, you can submit your organization’s Form 990.
  • Does funding in the Annual Grant Cycle cover an organization's request for capital projects?
    No, not at this time.
  • If our organization applies and is granted funding, when will we find out and when will receiving the funding?
    As panelists are responsible for reading all applications in their respective fields of interest, they are given one month prior to their panels to read and evaluate applications. After panel decisions notifications will be sent no later than June 10th, 2025. Funding is distributed after agreements have been signed. Please click here for our full Annual Grant Cycle timeline.
  • If we get funding, is it ok to partner with other entities?
    Yes, funding is unrestricted, and you can partner with other entities at your discretion.
  • Can nonprofits serve on panels in areas they are not applying to?
    Yes, If you would like to be on a grant panel you can sign up here or please contact us at
  • Can I view application questions/rubric prior to applying?
    Yes. You can view Annual Grant questions and the rubric here at Grant Questions and Rubric.
Coffee Chats
We will continue to host Coffee Chat hours. We will be available during the application cycle to offer support in answering any questions or provide space for feedback. 
No event found!
PEEP Events

We will continue to host PEEP (Party to Enhance Equity in Philanthropy) events this year to create space for nonprofits to share their work with one another, with staff, Trustees, Committee members and community members. These will be informal events intended to support community building and relationships.

2025 PEEP Event Save the Dates:

More information to come!

Tips for an Annual Grant Cycle Proposal

We know staff resources are tight at every nonprofit and the grant-writing process can often be tedious and long. Our hope is that the following tips will minimize the time needed to write your proposal and will position your grant proposal in the strongest light.

While acknowledging every grant panel is different, certain approaches create a more competitive grant proposal. Please consider the following tips when preparing your application:

 We love to read about the great work you are doing, but first and foremost: answer the questions. It’s an easy pitfall to stumble into: when describing aspects of your programming and the various ways your organization enhances the community, you forget to tie the information back to the question in the grant application. Remember, your answers don’t need to be long or elaborate; they just need to specifically provide the information requested.

Highlight outcomes. With limited grant dollars available, it’s important for the Foundation to closely track program outcomes from grants. This helps us to measure the impact of our philanthropic investments and it helps us to continue raising funds which can then be reinvested in the community. When listing outcomes in your grant proposal, keep them specific, realistic and achievable.  

Be consistent. Sometimes grant applications will ask for the same information in multiple places. Be sure to double check that the information you provide is consistent throughout the proposal. For example, if you indicate that you will impact 2,500 individuals on your cover sheet, be sure you don’t write that your program will impact 5,000 individuals in the grant narrative.

Collaborate. Collaboration is not required for grant funding, but it can strengthen your proposal. Funding dollars are consistently limited, so it’s always attractive when a grant can tangentially support multiple organizations. The aim is not to force collaboration, but to support non-duplicative services among partner organizations. When describing a collaboration in your proposal, be sure to demonstrate how your program operates in a way that is mutually beneficial to one or more organizations and the populations they serve.     

Questions are welcome! Our goal at the Foundation is to support our community and to ensure we are making strategic and effective grants. We are here to help you! If you find yourself struggling through a proposal or uncertain of what program would be a competitive fit, please contact our Community Impact team. While we can never predict the grant panel’s funding decisions, we can try to offer tips or suggestions that may prove helpful in the application process. Note: Foundation staff are not on the grant panel and do not have an official vote on funding decisions for the Annual Grant Cycle.

If you are new to grant-writing, we recommend you visit Candid’s website for additional tips on writing proposals and preparing grant budgets. Candid offers a wealth of information, in addition to many free webinars and seminars that could be invaluable in submitting a competitive grant proposal.

Scoring Rubric
To view the 2025 Annual Grant Cycle Scoring Rubric, please click here.
Grant Portal Video Tutorials
If you need assistance navigating our online grant portal and application process, we invite you to watch these video tutorials.
Groundworks New Mexico
Groundworks New Mexico is a social impact organization. They connect those working to have a positive impact in New Mexico to a network of peers, partners, and resources. By providing a space to come together, they create stronger partnerships and prevent overlap so that we all can have a greater impact in New Mexico’s communities.
Learn more about Groundworks New Mexico
501(C)PA serves over 30 nonprofits in multiple New Mexico counties. They also deliver services at fees that are generally well below private sector rates, thus reducing the financial barriers for many nonprofits. However, the really big impact for their clients is that the accounting, payroll and other administrative tasks that used to consume so many management and clerical hours can now be accomplished by their specialists in a fraction of that time, with professional quality and enhanced organizational reputation. This can amount to several hundred hours saved each year, and those hours can be refocused on strategic planning, programming, fundraising, and increasing mission impact. In the financial world, this is called leveraging, doing more with less, and it is the essence of their mission.
Learn more about 501(C)PA
The Grant Plant

The Grant Plant works primarily with tax-exempt organizations including nonprofits, public agencies, and educational institutions to secure grants from private and public sources.

With the Grant Plant, you can expect:

  • Professional partners – You’ll work with a team of grant experts – researchers, writers, designers, and project managers – who will put their hearts into your project.
  • Comprehensive services – The amount of guidance our clients require varies. That’s why we offer a range of grant services so they can choose what best fits their needs. We help our clients find and apply for grants, report on grant use, and support their internal grants office.
  • Singular experience – Expect a professional, rigorous – and, yes, enjoyable – experience when you collaborate with us.
  • Ethical approach – Industry standards and best practices are fundamental to everything we do.
  • Flexible process – We pride ourselves on being approachable and flexible and are happy to adapt our proven processes to the way you like to work.
  • Dedicated project management – A dedicated account representative (your “bud”) will manage your grants calendar so you can focus on your work.
Learn more about the Grant Plant

Marketing & Communications

Download our logos for marketing purposes.

Below are some helpful resources for nonprofits. Please review these resources and let us know if you have any questions about them.
Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled the following FAQs from questions that have been brought up in previous Coffee Chats.

Application Questions

  • There is no spot in the application to ask for an amount of funding, how is this determined?
    Allocations to each grantee are made in each grant panel and can be based on the application's score determined from the rubric. Please note the minimum amount awarded is $10,000.
  • Is there a limit to how often our organization can apply?
    Yes, we can only accept one application per calendar year for our Annual Grant Cycle.
  • Can organizations apply for funding in multiple fields of interest?
    At this time, organizations will need to select only one field of interest that best defines the overall general operating mission of the organization. Please note that organizations can only apply in one field of interest per calendar year.
  • Our organization could fit into possibly two or more fields of interest. How do I know which field of interest to apply for?
    The Foundation’s Annual Grant Cycle provides funding for general operating support, so we advise that you write about your overall mission and a few key programs that are critical to serving the mission of your organization. Please note that community foundation staff do not participate in the decision-making process, and that Foundation staff can provide general advice on what we have seen in the past and information about the fields of interest, but the decision is ultimately that of the organization.
  • Our organization is trying to determine which field of interest to apply in. Understanding we should provide a mission-based application, we are currently focused on a historical preservation project.
    The Environment and Historic Preservation field of interest is the only field of interest that provides an exception in applying for program specific requests. For example, if you are an entity that is working on preserving a historic building and that work is outside of the organization’s mission, you can submit a programmatic request in this field.
  • How can "culture" in your Arts & Culture field of interest best be defined?
    Culture can be a very broad term and can mean something different to various groups of people. We define culture as providing cultural expression across diverse communities. Additionally, organizations with the overall mission of providing cultural experiences to their specific population(s) they are serving.
  • Our organization serves groups in Sandoval County, but we also serve groups outside of the ABQCF-required counties. Considering the unrestricted nature of the grant, (and we internally would use those funds only in Sandoval), would we be eligible?
    Yes, you are eligible to apply. We advise that you specify in the application that funding would only be used in one of the four counties as this would be an instance where restricted funding would apply.
  • Our organization is not physically based in the four-county region; however, we offer digital services online remotely for community members that live in the four-county region, are we eligible?
    Yes, and in transparency, historically we have not seen many organizations with these services being funded compared to other organizations that provide similar services but are physically deep rooted within the four-county region. If you are a statewide entity that offers services to all, we advise that your application speaks to the work provided and its impact in these four communities.
  • When inviting someone to “collaborate” on an application, does the second person create their own profile/password?
    Yes, please note in order to provide proper permissions for the person you are adding as a collaborator, you will need to also select the permissions this person will have i.e. can view, can edit, can submit etc. Applicant tutorial on collaboration can be accessed here.

General Grant Questions

  • Where can I find more information about the Foundation’s grants programs?
    Information about ACF Grant programs can be found here on our website.
  • How do you define general operating support and unrestricted funding?
    Unrestricted funds support the overall mission of an organization and do not have a specific use required for spending.
  • Where can I find the breakdown of each field of interest?
    All field of interest descriptions can be found here on our website.
  • I am having technical trouble with the grant portal. Where can I get help?
    For technical issues please email
  • Our organization is based in one of the four county areas; however, we do offer statewide programs for counties outside of the four-county region requirement. Does my organization qualify to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    Yes, and we recommend that you make very clear in your application that you provide services in the four-county region and highlight how your organization impacts communities within Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia.
  • Our organization is based outside of the four-county region. Would we still be eligible to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    One of the requirements of this grant program is that your work must be accessible within the four-county region of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia. An exception can only be made to organizations that have a presence and can access the communities without them having to travel outside of said counties for services.
  • When submitting reporting for the grant, is there a need to report all counties being served by our organization?
    Although not required, if you are able, it would be beneficial to track this type of information as it will help quantify your organizational impact.
  • Our organization has been in existence for several years; however, we have only just obtained our 501c3 status, and are under the three-year minimum to apply. We have been in existence a while and have transitioned under our fiscal sponsorship, are we still eligible to apply?
    The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement for those who have been under fiscal sponsorship, however we ask that you please reach out to to confirm your eligibility.
  • My organization doesn’t match the three-year requirement nor the four-county requirement, what should we do?
    Although you may not be eligible for the Annual Grant Cycle, the Foundation does host other applications throughout the year that do provide statewide funding. We encourage you to sign up for upcoming grant opportunities via our newsletters and review other grant guidelines on our grant page here.
  • Can you clarify the 3-year requirement for the application? The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement.  For those who were under fiscal sponsorship for 3 or more years, you may apply with the submission of statement of activity from your fiscal sponsor that shows the past 3 years of fiscal management.  For further clarification, please email
  • Is there someone available I can work with for help/feedback on my grant application?
    Unfortunately, Foundation staff cannot offer feedback on the actual application itself prior to the review panel accessing them and meeting to discuss. We can offer feedback to specific questions prior and can offer feedback on the content of the application following the decision process. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact us via email at
  • Regarding funding, is my organization competing with other fields of interest for funding or does each field of interest have its own funding? How much funding is available in each field of interest and for each grantee?
    The minimum distribution amount for each grantee is no less than $10,000 and can vary upwards depending on the quantity of grantees as well as what is allocated from pooled funding in regard to each field of interest. Each field of interest has its own funding available. Please keep in mind the amounts available vary per field of interest and amounts listed below vary from year to year and are estimations: Animal Welfare $100,000; Arts & Culture $60,000; Education $70,000; Environmental & Historic Preservation $80,000; Health $80,000; Human Services $100,000; Economic Workforce and Development $90,000
  • In the required upload section, does our organization need to follow a format for the budget upload? And what if we do not have Profit and Loss statements (P&Ls)?
    There is no required format for the budget upload, we request organizations submit whichever budget is most accessible at time of submission. Please ensure it includes the revenues and expenses for the year. If P&Ls are not available at the time of submission, you can submit your organization’s Form 990.
  • Does funding in the Annual Grant Cycle cover an organization's request for capital projects?
    No, not at this time.
  • If our organization applies and is granted funding, when will we find out and when will receiving the funding?
    As panelists are responsible for reading all applications in their respective fields of interest, they are given one month prior to their panels to read and evaluate applications. After panel decisions notifications will be sent no later than June 10th, 2025. Funding is distributed after agreements have been signed. Please click here for our full Annual Grant Cycle timeline.
  • If we get funding, is it ok to partner with other entities?
    Yes, funding is unrestricted, and you can partner with other entities at your discretion.
  • Can nonprofits serve on panels in areas they are not applying to?
    Yes, If you would like to be on a grant panel you can sign up here or please contact us at
  • Can I view application questions/rubric prior to applying?
    Yes. You can view Annual Grant questions and the rubric here at Grant Questions and Rubric.
Coffee Chats
We will continue to host Coffee Chat hours. We will be available during the application cycle to offer support in answering any questions or provide space for feedback. 
No event found!

Frequently Asked Questions

We had some great questions coming through our coffee chats, please keep in mind these are specific to the Annual Grant Cycle. Here is a summary of what was brought up:

Application Questions

  • There is no spot in the application to ask for an amount of funding, how is this determined?
    Allocations to each grantee are made in each grant panel and can be based on the application's score determined from the rubric. Please note the minimum amount awarded is $10,000.
  • Is there a limit to how often our organization can apply?
    Yes, we can only accept one application per calendar year for our Annual Grant Cycle.
  • Can organizations apply for funding in multiple fields of interest?
    At this time, organizations will need to select only one field of interest that best defines the overall general operating mission of the organization. Please note that organizations can only apply in one field of interest per calendar year.
  • Our organization could fit into possibly two or more fields of interest. How do I know which field of interest to apply for?
    The Foundation’s Annual Grant Cycle provides funding for general operating support, so we advise that you write about your overall mission and a few key programs that are critical to serving the mission of your organization. Please note that community foundation staff do not participate in the decision-making process, and that Foundation staff can provide general advice on what we have seen in the past and information about the fields of interest, but the decision is ultimately that of the organization.
  • Our organization is trying to determine which field of interest to apply in. Understanding we should provide a mission-based application, we are currently focused on a historical preservation project.
    The Environment and Historic Preservation field of interest is the only field of interest that provides an exception in applying for program specific requests. For example, if you are an entity that is working on preserving a historic building and that work is outside of the organization’s mission, you can submit a programmatic request in this field.
  • How can "culture" in your Arts & Culture field of interest best be defined?
    Culture can be a very broad term and can mean something different to various groups of people. We define culture as providing cultural expression across diverse communities. Additionally, organizations with the overall mission of providing cultural experiences to their specific population(s) they are serving.
  • Our organization serves groups in Sandoval County, but we also serve groups outside of the ABQCF-required counties. Considering the unrestricted nature of the grant, (and we internally would use those funds only in Sandoval), would we be eligible?
    Yes, you are eligible to apply. We advise that you specify in the application that funding would only be used in one of the four counties as this would be an instance where restricted funding would apply.
  • Our organization is not physically based in the four-county region; however, we offer digital services online remotely for community members that live in the four-county region, are we eligible?
    Yes, and in transparency, historically we have not seen many organizations with these services being funded compared to other organizations that provide similar services but are physically deep rooted within the four-county region. If you are a statewide entity that offers services to all, we advise that your application speaks to the work provided and its impact in these four communities.
  • When inviting someone to “collaborate” on an application, does the second person create their own profile/password?
    Yes, please note in order to provide proper permissions for the person you are adding as a collaborator, you will need to also select the permissions this person will have i.e. can view, can edit, can submit etc. Applicant tutorial on collaboration can be accessed here.

General Grant Questions

  • Where can I find more information about the Foundation’s grants programs?
    Information about ACF Grant programs can be found here on our website.
  • How do you define general operating support and unrestricted funding?
    Unrestricted funds support the overall mission of an organization and do not have a specific use required for spending.
  • Where can I find the breakdown of each field of interest?
    All field of interest descriptions can be found here on our website.
  • I am having technical trouble with the grant portal. Where can I get help?
    For technical issues please email
  • Our organization is based in one of the four county areas; however, we do offer statewide programs for counties outside of the four-county region requirement. Does my organization qualify to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    Yes, and we recommend that you make very clear in your application that you provide services in the four-county region and highlight how your organization impacts communities within Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia.
  • Our organization is based outside of the four-county region. Would we still be eligible to apply for the Annual Grant Cycle?
    One of the requirements of this grant program is that your work must be accessible within the four-county region of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia. An exception can only be made to organizations that have a presence and can access the communities without them having to travel outside of said counties for services.
  • When submitting reporting for the grant, is there a need to report all counties being served by our organization?
    Although not required, if you are able, it would be beneficial to track this type of information as it will help quantify your organizational impact.
  • Our organization has been in existence for several years; however, we have only just obtained our 501c3 status, and are under the three-year minimum to apply. We have been in existence a while and have transitioned under our fiscal sponsorship, are we still eligible to apply?
    The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement for those who have been under fiscal sponsorship, however we ask that you please reach out to to confirm your eligibility.
  • My organization doesn’t match the three-year requirement nor the four-county requirement, what should we do?
    Although you may not be eligible for the Annual Grant Cycle, the Foundation does host other applications throughout the year that do provide statewide funding. We encourage you to sign up for upcoming grant opportunities via our newsletters and review other grant guidelines on our grant page here.
  • Can you clarify the 3-year requirement for the application? The primary reason for the 3-year requirement is for the fiscal management component. So yes, there are exceptions that can be made to this requirement.  For those who were under fiscal sponsorship for 3 or more years, you may apply with the submission of statement of activity from your fiscal sponsor that shows the past 3 years of fiscal management.  For further clarification, please email
  • Is there someone available I can work with for help/feedback on my grant application?
    Unfortunately, Foundation staff cannot offer feedback on the actual application itself prior to the review panel accessing them and meeting to discuss. We can offer feedback to specific questions prior and can offer feedback on the content of the application following the decision process. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact us via email at
  • Regarding funding, is my organization competing with other fields of interest for funding or does each field of interest have its own funding? How much funding is available in each field of interest and for each grantee?
    The minimum distribution amount for each grantee is no less than $10,000 and can vary upwards depending on the quantity of grantees as well as what is allocated from pooled funding in regard to each field of interest. Each field of interest has its own funding available. Please keep in mind the amounts available vary per field of interest and amounts listed below vary from year to year and are estimations: Animal Welfare $100,000; Arts & Culture $60,000; Education $70,000; Environmental & Historic Preservation $80,000; Health $80,000; Human Services $100,000; Economic Workforce and Development $90,000
  • In the required upload section, does our organization need to follow a format for the budget upload? And what if we do not have Profit and Loss statements (P&Ls)?
    There is no required format for the budget upload, we request organizations submit whichever budget is most accessible at time of submission. Please ensure it includes the revenues and expenses for the year. If P&Ls are not available at the time of submission, you can submit your organization’s Form 990.
  • Does funding in the Annual Grant Cycle cover an organization's request for capital projects?
    No, not at this time.
  • If our organization applies and is granted funding, when will we find out and when will
    receiving the funding?
    As panelists are responsible for reading all applications in their respective fields of interest, they are given one month prior to their panels to read and evaluate applications. After panel decisions notifications will be sent no later than June 10th, 2025. Funding is distributed after agreements have been signed. Please click here for our full Annual Grant Cycle timeline.
  • If we get funding, is it ok to partner with other entities?
    Yes, funding is unrestricted, and you can partner with other entities at your discretion.
  • Can nonprofits serve on panels in areas they are not applying to?
    Yes, If you would like to be on a grant panel you can sign up here or please contact us at
  • Can I view application questions/rubric prior to applying?
    Yes. You can view Annual Grant questions and the rubric here at Grant Questions and Rubric.
PEEP Events

We will continue to host PEEP (Party to Enhance Equity in Philanthropy) events this year to create space for nonprofits to share their work with one another, with staff, Trustees, Committee members and community members. These will be informal events intended to support community building and relationships.

2025 PEEP Event Save the Dates:

  • April 17 and September 25 

More information to come!

Tips for Annual Grant Cycle Proposal

We know staff resources are tight at every nonprofit and the grant-writing process can often be tedious and long. Our hope is that the following tips will minimize the time needed to write your proposal and will position your grant proposal in the strongest light.

While acknowledging every grant panel is different, certain approaches create a more competitive grant proposal. Please consider the following tips when preparing your application:

 We love to read about the great work you are doing, but first and foremost: answer the questions. It’s an easy pitfall to stumble into: when describing aspects of your programming and the various ways your organization enhances the community, you forget to tie the information back to the question in the grant application. Remember, your answers don’t need to be long or elaborate; they just need to specifically provide the information requested.

Highlight outcomes. With limited grant dollars available, it’s important for the Foundation to closely track program outcomes from grants. This helps us to measure the impact of our philanthropic investments and it helps us to continue raising funds which can then be reinvested in the community. When listing outcomes in your grant proposal, keep them specific, realistic and achievable.  

Be consistent. Sometimes grant applications will ask for the same information in multiple places. Be sure to double check that the information you provide is consistent throughout the proposal. For example, if you indicate that you will impact 2,500 individuals on your cover sheet, be sure you don’t write that your program will impact 5,000 individuals in the grant narrative.

Collaborate. Collaboration is not required for grant funding, but it can strengthen your proposal. Funding dollars are consistently limited, so it’s always attractive when a grant can tangentially support multiple organizations. The aim is not to force collaboration, but to support non-duplicative services among partner organizations. When describing a collaboration in your proposal, be sure to demonstrate how your program operates in a way that is mutually beneficial to one or more organizations and the populations they serve.     

Questions are welcome! Our goal at the Foundation is to support our community and to ensure we are making strategic and effective grants. We are here to help you! If you find yourself struggling through a proposal or uncertain of what program would be a competitive fit, please contact our Community Impact team. While we can never predict the grant panel’s funding decisions, we can try to offer tips or suggestions that may prove helpful in the application process. Note: Foundation staff are not on the grant panel and do not have an official vote on funding decisions for the Annual Grant Cycle.

If you are new to grant-writing, we recommend you visit Candid’s website for additional tips on writing proposals and preparing grant budgets. Candid offers a wealth of information, in addition to many free webinars and seminars that could be invaluable in submitting a competitive grant proposal.

Scoring Rubric
To view the 2025 Annual Grant Cycle Scoring Rubric, please click here.
Grant Portal Video Tutorials
If you need assistance navigating our online grant portal and application process, we invite you to watch these video tutorials.
Groundworks New Mexico
Groundworks New Mexico is a social impact organization. They connect those working to have a positive impact in New Mexico to a network of peers, partners, and resources. By providing a space to come together, they create stronger partnerships and prevent overlap so that we all can have a greater impact in New Mexico’s communities.
Learn more about Groundworks New Mexico
501(C)PA serves over 30 nonprofits in multiple New Mexico counties. They also deliver services at fees that are generally well below private sector rates, thus reducing the financial barriers for many nonprofits. However, the really big impact for their clients is that the accounting, payroll and other administrative tasks that used to consume so many management and clerical hours can now be accomplished by their specialists in a fraction of that time, with professional quality and enhanced organizational reputation. This can amount to several hundred hours saved each year, and those hours can be refocused on strategic planning, programming, fundraising, and increasing mission impact. In the financial world, this is called leveraging, doing more with less, and it is the essence of their mission.
Learn more about 501(C)PA
The Grant Plant

The Grant Plant works primarily with tax-exempt organizations including nonprofits, public agencies, and educational institutions to secure grants from private and public sources.

With the Grant Plant, you can expect:

  • Professional partners – You’ll work with a team of grant experts – researchers, writers, designers, and project managers – who will put their hearts into your project.
  • Comprehensive services – The amount of guidance our clients require varies. That’s why we offer a range of grant services so they can choose what best fits their needs. We help our clients find and apply for grants, report on grant use, and support their internal grants office.
  • Singular experience – Expect a professional, rigorous – and, yes, enjoyable – experience when you collaborate with us.
  • Ethical approach – Industry standards and best practices are fundamental to everything we do.
  • Flexible process – We pride ourselves on being approachable and flexible and are happy to adapt our proven processes to the way you like to work.
  • Dedicated project management – A dedicated account representative (your “bud”) will manage your grants calendar so you can focus on your work.
Learn more about the Grant Plant

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