Emergency Action Fund for Roswell
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Emergency Action Fund for Roswell
Support Roswell Flooding Relief
Nearly 6 inches of rain fell in Roswell, flooding homes and blocking roadways. Local emergency teams rescued hundreds of individuals from the flooding and people in the area are urged to stay home today to avoid further risk. This area was especially susceptible to flooding, after the wildfires in New Mexico earlier this year left behind significant burn scars.
Emergency Action Fund for Roswell
The Foundation and United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) have activated the Emergency Action Fund for Roswell Flooding Relief in response to the flooding impacting our neighbors in Roswell and surrounding areas of Chaves County.
Current donations to the Emergency Action Fund will provide support to the immediate and long-term recovery needs for the people, animals, and places affected by the devastating flooding in Roswell.
The Emergency Action Fund (EAF) is a collaborative effort between funders to mobilize resources and provide efficient support during major emergencies. EAF is managed by the Foundation and UWNCNM.
The Emergency Action Fund for Roswell will be managed by the Foundation and United Way of North Central New Mexico, who will work with partner agencies in the county. In the event this emergency is funded to the fullest extent of its need, excess funds will be held for future emergency relief.
Other Emergency Relief Resources
- For real time information on where to access support and shelters in Roswell, download the free American Red Cross Emergency App (search “American Red Cross” in mobile app stores).
- The state of New Mexico has opened a hotline for Chaves County residents to ask questions and learn about available resources in the aftermath of record flooding. Residents can call the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHSEM) disaster response and recovery call center at 1-833-663-4736. The hotline will be available 24/7 until further notice.
- The Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is here to support families impacted by recent flooding. ECECD has temporarily expanded Child Care Assistance to offer free child care during this time of need. Local child care professionals can provide your child with a safe, healthy, high-quality learning environment and well-balanced meals. All you need to apply is a picture ID. CALL TO APPLY: 1-800-832-1321 Email Questions to: ECECD-ECS-AtRisk@state.nm.us
- Donate to the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico Greatest Needs Impact Fund - Roswell & Chaves County
Emergency Action Fund for Roswell Support

Support Roswell Flooding Relief
Nearly 6 inches of rain fell in Roswell, flooding homes and blocking roadways. Local emergency teams rescued hundreds of individuals from the flooding and people in the area are urged to stay home today to avoid further risk. This area was especially susceptible to flooding, after the wildfires in New Mexico earlier this year left behind significant burn scars.
Emergency Action Fund for Roswell
The Foundation and United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) have activated the Emergency Action Fund for Roswell Flooding Relief in response to the flooding impacting our neighbors in Roswell and surrounding areas of Chaves County.
Current donations to the Emergency Action Fund will provide support to the immediate and long-term recovery needs for the people, animals, and places affected by the devastating flooding in Roswell.
The Emergency Action Fund (EAF) is a collaborative effort between funders to mobilize resources and provide efficient support during major emergencies. EAF is managed by the Foundation and UWNCNM.
The Emergency Action Fund for Roswell will be managed by the Foundation and United Way of North Central New Mexico, who will work with partner agencies in the county. In the event this emergency is funded to the fullest extent of its need, excess funds will be held for future emergency relief.
Other Emergency Relief Resources
- For real time information on where to access support and shelters in Roswell, download the free American Red Cross Emergency App (search “American Red Cross” in mobile app stores).
- The state of New Mexico has opened a hotline for Chaves County residents to ask questions and learn about available resources in the aftermath of record flooding. Residents can call the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHSEM) disaster response and recovery call center at 1-833-663-4736. The hotline will be available 24/7 until further notice.
- The Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is here to support families impacted by recent flooding. ECECD has temporarily expanded Child Care Assistance to offer free child care during this time of need. Local child care professionals can provide your child with a safe, healthy, high-quality learning environment and well-balanced meals. All you need to apply is a picture ID. CALL TO APPLY: 1-800-832-1321 Email Questions to: ECECD-ECS-AtRisk@state.nm.us
- Donate to the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico Greatest Needs Impact Fund - Roswell & Chaves County
Emergency Action Fund for Roswell Support